Prepare yourselves - this will be 99% fangirling and 1% actual intellectual observations, as previously mentioned on my Twitter.
So, I am awful and haven't really followed Gamescom due to a combination of things. I have been hanging out in my hometown so have been seeing lots of family. Tales of Graces f is a fantastic game that sucks your soul into it and you forget about real life. With the Origin Humble Bundle, I managed to install The Sims 3 in Japanese, another game that is soul sucking, but even more so now I can spends hours playing it in Japanese.
So there are my excuses.
However, I have been keeping an eye on any announcements or anything related to Japanese games. And, you should know by now, I am a huge Final Fantasy fan and I am even more of a Final Fantasy X fan so it's not even funny how excited I am for this
With Gamescom, came a new comparison trailer which I dutifully squealed at...
This video shows you the SD version, then the HD version.
The changes are quite obvious, but I will still run through them. Obviously, the menus, bars, names, everything that we see on the battle screen has been changed. It's cleaner and more modern. I'm not feeling the fonts, however. It just doesn't suit it. It almost looks like a fanmade game and they've picked a really lousy font for it. But other than that it's looking really good. I will just have to accept the new font.
The models are smoother, more defined and less blocky. Textures are more vibrant and just look a lot better.
What stuck out to me most is... DAT MUSIC. Have a good listen to it. It's been remastered and it is perfect. I mean, the original soundtrack was amazing, but this remastered version sounds even better. It really adds a whole new dynamic to it. I'm listening to it now as I write I have the biggest, dorkiest smile on my face. Well done Square Enix. Well done. I cannot wait to hear the other tracks. If I'm getting excited at the battle theme... The seven help me when I hear the rest.
So, it's still looking great. This year has seen a small trickle of information on this remaster, and with every drop of new news (can you even say that? I think I've just broke the English language) the game looks even better.
I am really looking forward to this, and will most definitely be purchasing it. Yes, it's the same game, same story, same characters... but none of that needs to change. It's an awesome game with a brand new look and I'm so excited for it I am just randomly tapping away at my keyboard I mean who needs commas when you are this excited for a game!?!
I don't.
I am trying to stay objective and not biased on this game but I am sorry guys, I think this looks amazing and I cannot wait for it - I may not like that damn font - but this is going to R U L E.
No release date yet, but I reckon it will be dropped before the year is out.
If you are excited for the game like me, you can preorder it at Playasia!
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