Saturday, 27 July 2013

[Update] Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn commerical taken down

The mystery continues: FFXIV: ARR "commercial" taken down off Youtube. Was it real or fan-made?

I posted up an entry yesterday about a Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn commerical. There was a lot of commotion over it in various FFXIV: ARR communities. It seems that the video has been taken down due to copyright.

The "commercial" consisted of two people sitting in what appears to be a bus(or car?). The windows are all steamy and one of them has written "FFXIV" on the window. Fast forward and suddenly you are shown footage of the initial trailer. It was a bit simplistic and in my opinion, it didn't seem like an advert Square Enix would do for such a huge game. A lot of people on various forums though seemed convinced it was, and a lot of them even liked how simple it was.

It being taken down can mean either two things: it was fan-made and Square Enix brought down the copyright hammer, or it was indeed the actual commercial, and it had indeed been leaked, causing Square Enix do bring down the copyright hammer!

I am sure we will find out soon enough, with the release of the full game just around the corner.

For those of you who did see it before it got taken down, what do you think?

- Jade

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